The benefits of undertaking moderate, consistent exercise have been well documented over the years. At Total Health Chiropractic, we encourage everyone to find activities that work for them, to embrace it and make it part of their lives. Life WILL BE BETTER by taking advantage of the benefits of exercise!

Remind ourselves why exercise benefits us

Exercise expands the vascular system opening the capillaries in the muscle tissue. It helps by lowering the resistance to blood flow in the arterial system, prevents hypertension and causes the blood pressure to drop to normal.
Benefits of Exercise
Exercise builds muscle mass and prevents the muscles from being broken down as fuel.

Exercise stimulates the activity of fat-burning enzymes to produce sufficient energy for increased muscle activity. When training you are changing the source of energy for muscle activity. You convert the energy source from sugar in circulation to the fat stored in the muscle.
An hour of walking will cause this activation of fat-burning enzymes to remain active for 12 hours. A morning and afternoon walk will keep these enzymes active round the clock. The walk will also cause clearance of cholesterol deposits in the arterial system.
Exercise makes muscles burn, as additional fuel, some amino acids that would otherwise reach toxic levels in the body. Toxicity can cause severe destruction and depletion of other vital amino acids.
Some of the discarded essential amino acids are consistently needed by the brain to manufacture its neurotransmitters. Two of these essential amino acids are tryptophan and tyrosine. The brain uses tryptophan to make serotonin, melatonin, tryptamine, and indoleamine. These are antidepressants and regulate sugar level and blood pressure. Tyrosine is in the manufacturing of adrenaline, noradrenaline, and dopamine, which is vital for the coordination of body physiology, especially when the body has to take physical action, such as fighting, to run, playing sports and so on.

The Benefits of Exercise
Exercise lowers blood sugar in people with diabetes and decreases their need for insulin or tablet medications.

Daily Exercise compels the liver to manufacture sugar from the fat that it stores or the fat that is circulating within the blood.
Exercise increases the mobility of joints in the body. Exercise opens the joints creating a vacuum inside the joint cavities. This vacuum sucks water into the cavity bringing dissolved nutrients to the cells inside the cartilage. The increased water content of the cartilage adds to lubrication and smoother bone-on-bone gliding movements of the joint.
Benefits of Exercise
Leg muscles act as secondary hearts. With contractions and relaxations, the leg muscles overcome gravity. They also help pump the blood in the legs back to the heart. One-way valves cause the blood in the leg veins is pushed upward against gravity by frequent contraction of the leg muscles. This is how the leg muscles act as hearts for the venous system in the body. Leg muscles cause an equally effective flow within the lymphatic system and cause edema in the legs to disappear.
Exercise strengthens the bones of the body and helps prevent osteoporosis.
Exercise increases the production of all vital hormones, enhancing libido, and heightening sexual performance.
Daily exercise will enhance the activity of the adrenaline-operated sympathetic nerve system. Adrenaline will also reduce the over-secretion of histamine and as a result, prevent asthma attacks and allergic reactions—providing the body is fully hydrated.
Exercise increases the production of endorphins and enkephalins, the natural opiates of the body that make you feel good. Yes, people can become addicted to exercise.
One main goal at Total Health Chiropractic is to keep you in alignment so that you can get the maximum benefit from your exercise. Unfortunately, exercising weight-bearing joints that are misaligned can do more harm than good and is a significant cause of all arthritis we see in the world.