As part of your rehabilitation, it is vitally important that you restore full and correct motion to all the individual joints of the neck. The chiropractic adjustments you receive at Total Health Chiropractic are isolating restricted segments and gradually regain function. However, it is essential that you stretch every day to compliment the work we are doing.

Gradually we want real, lasting changes, and so that we achieve this, we need to act consistently. Try and follow the corrective program your chiropractor has designed for you, and if you have any questions, please ask. We need to stretch the neck, and we need to strengthen it.
We’ve broken the Cervical Range of Motion (ROM) exercises down into levels with Level 1 being a passive stretch and Level 2 being the application of more force.
Cervical (neck) Range of Motion Level 1

Cervical (neck) Range of Motion Level 2

Cervical (neck) Isometric Strength Level 1

Should you have any questions about chiropractic care or any aspect of your health, please don’t hesitate to ask; we are here to help.