We’ve all been told that exercise is important, but what are the reasons to exercise?
Many people do certainly seem to do OK without breaking a sweat, don’t they?

Well for how long I wonder? An interesting question, don’t you think? Of course, we all have busy lives and for many of us finding enough time to get out there and exercise is a real challenge.
The Truth
The truth is, really busy people find time to exercise! There is no excuse!
We all know that life is a journey and if we are going to be healthy in the future we have to look after ourselves. We can only stay on the ‘wrong track’ so long without ending up somewhere undesirable.

Reasons to Exercise
Lifts your mood
Improves learning abilities
Builds self-esteem
Keeps your brain fit
Keeps your body fit & able
Boosts mental health
Boosts your immune system
Reduces stress
Makes you feel happier
Has anti-aging effects
Improves skin tone and color
Improves sleeping patterns
Helps prevent strokes
Improves joint function
Improves muscle strength
Alleviates anxiety
Sharpens memory
Helps to control addictions
Boosts productivity
Boosts creative thinking
Improves body image
Gives you confidence
Helps you keep focus in life
Improves eating habits
Increases longevity
Strengthens your bones
Strengthens your heart
Improves your posture
Prevents colds
Improves appetite
Improves cholesterol levels
Reduces the risk of(certain) cancers
Lowers blood pressure
Lowers risk of diabetes
Fights dementia
Eases back pain
Decreases risk of osteoporosis
Reduces feelings of depression
Prevents muscle loss
Increases energy and endurance
Improves sports performance
Increases pain resistance
Improves balance and coordination
Increases oxygen supply to cells
Improves concentration
Helps with self-control
Lessens fatigue
Increases sex drive & satisfaction
Makes life more exciting