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Seaweed – A True Superfood

Dr. Dino Buosciolo

Updated: Aug 15, 2023

Discover the amazing benefits of adding Seaweed to your meals! Seaweeds are the most nutritionally dense plants on the planet as they have access to all the nutrients in the ocean. They can contain up to 10 times more calcium than milk and 8 times more protein than beef.


The chemical composition of seaweeds is so close to human blood plasma, that perhaps their greatest benefit is in regulating and purifying our blood system. They help to alkalize our blood, neutralizing the over acid effects of our modern diet and protect us from a wide array of toxic elements in the environment, including heavy metals, pollutants and radiation by-products converting them to harmless salts that the body can then eliminate.

However, the most remarkable results we see with seaweeds is in boosting weight loss and deterring cellulite build-up. The high concentration of natural iodine help to stimulate the thyroid gland so that food fuels are used before they can be turned into fatty deposits. At the same time, the minerals act like electrolytes to break the chemical bond that seals the fat cells allowing trapped wastes to escape. Both by eating sea vegetables or bathing in them helps reduce cellulite and stimulates lymphatic drainage.

Drying Wakame in Japan

Drying Wakame in Japan

Seaweeds have been part of the Asian diet for thousands of years. Studies in Japan show that a diet containing as little as 5% sea greens inhibits cancer growths sometimes causing the remission of active tumors. Seaweeds are available in health food stores and supermarkets. Try to incorporate them into your diet to boost nutrition and add flavor.

Types of seaweed commonly taken nutritionally

Nori– Best known for the seaweed used to make sushi rolls. You can make your own sushi at home by using untoasted nori rolls for maximum nutrient content. Cut up dried nori into pieces to add a salty flavor to your soups instead of using salt.

Kelp – Is available in powder or capsule form for those who do not enjoy eating seaweed. It is also the most common seaweed found along the ocean shores. Due to their thick leaves, they are a perfect addition to a detoxifying seaweed bath.

Dulse – A red seaweed, available in flakes. There is no need to cook or soak dulse. Use as a seasoning on salads, vegetables, and soups instead of salt.

Arame – Consists of brown stringy seaweed. Soak in hot water for 5 minutes before eating.

Wakame – Wakame is an edible brown seaweed or kelp common in Japanese, Korean, and Chinese cuisines.

Kombu – Used in Japan for centuries as a mineral-rich flavor enhancer. Add a strip of kombu when cooking beans to make them more digestible and as a carminative (reducing gas). Add a strip of kombu to your sprouts when soaking them to allow them to soak up the minerals.

Which should you try first?

“My favorite sea vegetable is Wakame which has become one of my staples. It is extremely high in nutritional value whilst being very low in calories. Actually, it is only about 5 calories per serving and it is said to help burn fat.

Wakame helps to prevent heart disease,, cancer, diabetes, blood clotting, and obesity. Wikame has beneficial effects on stroke, hypertension (high blood pressure), viral infections, tumors, oxidation and inflammation while promoting a good immune system. Wakame is a great addition to any diet as there are few things we can eat that are so full of nutrients and provide such amazing health benefits” – Tim Errington, Chiropractor


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