Scoliosis: Recognizing It and Understanding Chiropractic Care

What is Scoliosis?
Scoliosis is a spinal condition characterized by abnormal twisting and curvature of the spine.
This condition is prevalent in Singapore and requires a proactive approach. A “wait-and-see” method can lead to the situation worsening over time.
Who Does It Affect?
Scoliosis most commonly appears in girls during childhood. Signs include uneven shoulder heights, a change in posture, and one shoulder blade appearing more prominent than the other.
Importance of Early Detection
Scoliosis should be detected early to prevent it from worsening. It can cause visible physical changes, postural abnormalities, and potential discomfort.
If it progresses without monitoring, the postural distortion can lead to significant health issues due to the pressure exerted on vital organs.
Scoliosis Evaluation
An evaluation by a chiropractor is crucial if certain conditions are met. These include a family history of spinal abnormalities, complaints of discomfort, respiratory symptoms, or abdominal difficulties. The stress on the nervous system due to rotational and postural abnormalities can also potentially impact organ function.
The Chiropractic Approach to Scoliosis
At Total Health Chiropractic Singapore, we offer a unique approach to managing scoliosis. We incorporate Scoliroll Spinal Orthotics as part of our protocol, providing patients the ability to be proactive at home in managing the twisting of their spine.
Seeking a Conservative Approach
Surgical procedures for scoliosis can be painful, leaving significant scarring and potential risks.
Our approach prioritizes a conservative method that can be an alternative to considering surgery.
Do you or a loved one have scoliosis?
Don't let this condition control your life. Fill out our online form today to schedule your first visit and discuss your individual situation with our expert chiropractors.