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What is a Subluxation?

“Subluxation is a term unique to Chiropractic, meaning spinal distortion affecting the nervous system. Everyone    has them to some extent – the worse they are, the greater the loss of health.”


 – Tim Errington, Chiropractor

While the skull protects the brain, the spinal cord is more vulnerable, covered by 24 moving vertebrae. These bones' loss of their normal motion or position can irritate the nervous system. This disrupts the function of the tissues or organs that the nerves control and is called a subluxation.

Chiropractic is the science of locating these areas of spinal joint dysfunction, the art of correcting them, and the philosophy of things natural.​


What are the Warning Signs of Subluxation?

Symptoms such as headaches, back pain, neck stiffness, shoulder, arms, or legs, numb hands or feet, fatigue, or nervousness are the most common signs of subluxations. In reality, these symptoms are present because an underlying subluxation has been left untreated over some time. Like tooth decay, most people will have a subluxation long before they notice a symptom.

Woman having low back pain

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The most natural, drug-free health care system in the  world.

How do Subluxations Happen?

A subluxation is typically caused either by ‘macro-trauma,’ e.g., some form of an accident like a fall or a motor accident; or by ‘micro-trauma,’ e.g. adaption to gravitational distortion due to poor posture, ergonomics, or even (and very common), a leg length inequality. Adults and children can have subluxations initially caused by a traumatic birth or a childhood fall.


We have gradually created a world where poor posture is becoming the norm due to a sedentary lifestyle and inappropriate daily activities. We are living longer, but the increasing prevalence of degenerative conditions greatly reduces our quality of life.

Only with chiropractic spinal checkups can these subluxations be corrected. Without correction, subsequent health problems will occur due to forces exerted on the nervous system encased within the spinal column.

Therefore vitally important you and your family have your spines checked periodically by a Chiropractor – the same as you would have your eyes, teeth, and blood pressure checked. We believe that in the future, most people will use regular chiropractic care to maintain a healthy spine and nervous system, just as one would visit a dentist periodically for a check-up.

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